marți, 27 noiembrie 2012

Living in another world
Reverses the day with the night
The old dream became reality
The old reality turned into dream.

The plane crashed.
That’s life...

Being stupid
Being stupid is so easy
All you have to do is
To speak as you think
Not think as you speak
Write what you say
Publish anyway.

Nothing to do with Stonehenge

Life was here before death.
So, flowers and people were there
before rocks and pebbles.
Then something happened
And their dignity
was crushed into stones.
All of a sudden, the world
Was full of them.
Some flowers and people continued to live
But no dignity was left inside.
Since then, all people dare
In terms of dignity
Is some small stones
Hidden in their kidneys.

About time
She had a yellow-green watch
Like a highlighter
Not to forget about
The finity of life.

(Inspired by Swatch - Colourful Watches :):):)

Keep the distance
Keep the sanctity of the places you love
Keep a little distance, a little mystery,
Keep a little bit of fear
When you walk on their roads.

Keep the sanctity of the people you love
Don’t aim to know them too well
Keep a little bit of distance,
A little bit of mystery,
A little bit of fear.

Keep a little bit of mystery yourself,
A little bit of distance to yourself
Let air flow mildly through all these spaces
As it is that air of sanctity
That will make you fly,
Keeping all you love, alive.

Freedom has no roots
It comes and grabs people
Just like wind 
It makes people fly
It makes people think.

Children grow
And leave behind
Innocent mistakes
Only to replace them
With bigger ones
They leave behind
Unwise parents
Only to replace them
With elderly ones
Who knew too late.
They quickly learn
How to repeat
their parents’ mistakes
They do it naturally,
To taste the beauty of life
Which is only the end
Of a long way.

A Thought

I think he thinks of me.
I hope he thinks.

I think he thinks.
I hope he thinks of me.

Just Mum
My mum has never been jogging
She’s  never opened the books I go through
But somehow she always knew
Much better than I do.

Dirty Hands
A banker’s hands are never dirty.
His mind is.
A lawyer’s hands are always clean,
Too often unlike his heart.
Do not forget
That dirty hands
 Sometimes get dirty
Only to keep
 The mind and the inside clean.

Here I am
Here I am
Standing on the threshold
Between who I am
And who they think I am
I won't leave
For I am the door
With my two faces:
One stares at the world
The other always stays in.

Thoughts by the Sea

Water, like death
Its desire to fill in
Every space.
Its attempt to embrace,
to equalize everything
with its waves.

Always trying
Always failing.
(Just like communism).

Time rusts our bones
As it rusts our past
Age, invisible shield
Weaving us into lonely islands
The further we walk
The lonelier we get
And that has never been a secret
No matter how well
We are welded
To each other.
There is a day
When all the silence
Comes into our  way.

Of Wine

Wine makes people dare
What they otherwise care
It makes people kind
If they do not over-estimate
The limit of their mind
When offered a glass,
Never make a fuss
As just a bit of wine
Can make you shine
It can make you feel free
Or it can make you see
That your life, like mine
Always hides something fine
So, cheers to the root of vine.

Leaving Bucharest
Cand timpul se chirceste
Spatiul se dilata
Orasul meu in care altminteri
Ma tot intalneam cu cate cineva
Pare acum pustiu de prieteni,
Privirea mea nu mai da de a ta.
Ma-nvart in gol, nimeni nu-mi mai e cunoscut
Prietenii mei au plecat in tarile mai putin calde
Ce-au avut de pierdut, au pierdut.

Just Signs
Never open your umbrella indoors
It’s a bad sign, it means you've not fixed your roof.
Never read in the bathroom, it’s a bad sign,
It means you have no other quite place in the house.
It’s a good sign when you meet the priest
It may mean you got rid of all your troubles.
It’s a bad sign when you meet the doc
It may mean your troubles only start.
Lighting a cigarette is always a bad sign
It means you’ll be kicked out from everywhere.

One never knows
One can never tell
How many we are
Around the table
There is always
An extra shadow
Or an extra eye
Or an extra ear
You will never know
For sure
Where from
all your trouble
Has sprung.

No trains pass nowadays
Through the railway station.
Those that had to pass
Already passed.
Children are drawing
With their colored chalks
On the railways.
Not even rain passes through that station

Prin gara nu mai trece niciun tren
Ce a fost de trecut a trecut.
Acum copiii deseneaza
Cu creta pe sine.
Nici macar ploaia nu mai trece prin gara.

The Good, the Bad and That’s It
In this house
A good man and a bad man are lodging
You can’t tell who’s who
It depends when
You knock at the door.

When a plane will crash
True business people
Will die at business class.

Fatigue is cutting my fingers
And then my bloody fingers
Are shattering the dreams
Caught in my hair
And then my hair drops...
Slowly, red and silent.

Men are like planes
                   In answer to Wendy Cope’s „Men are like buses”

 Men are like planes!
Easy to miss and hard to flee...
Have no connection to ground reality
Last minute choices are often expensive
However, it is useless to become defensive
When asked, you must keep your upright position
And that, without any opposition
Sometimes you are allowed to lean
But that is only in between.
They give you meals which are apparently free
In fact you pay for every crumb that falls on your knee
But then they might drop you off unexpectedly.

What I’m not
I’m not a one way woman
I might change my mind
When life becomes unkind
And that’s just the way I’m woven
Not a whim or a fact that was proven.

Babe, don’t take me for granted
And expect me to stay
Cause this just isn’t my way
When days turn to be boring
And nights just full of snoring
Babe, I might just go away
I might even say no
To things that I wished long ago
When life is getting late
All you can do is contemplate fate
So, babe, let me not stay in your way.

Nu se vede dar ploua
Mortii plang
In fiecare noapte,

One can’t  see
But it rains
Every night
The dead cry.
Their tears
Fall up.


Mary, Mary, You’re no longer my Mary
You turned round like a berry
You’re two in one, I’m one in two
What a mess, I still love you! 

People are mere stories
That stay beyond death
On other people’s lips
They finally don’t care
The others never had.

Wild Weed
Love grows against the law
It grows against the mind
Love’s just a weed that grows wild.
It is a scent that doesn’t cost a cent
Calling it free is a silly mistake.

Sum Up
Those fresh wounds have grown pretty old
The salty tears have gone dry
Even the scar’s no longer a tattoo
When life became as short as a haiku.

Once and Not Only

Once upon a time
I thought you were divine.

Once upon a wine
You hugged me as a rhyme.

Once upon a dream
Our love turned into sin.

Once upon a past
I slowly lost my trust.

Once in a while
I miss our life-style.

Once upon tomorrow
There might be sorrow.

But once upon a future
Love will be the nurture.

In the Air

My thoughts fly in the air and I follow them
Ideas blossom
But then the plane lands
And my feet walk in depression
Never catching
And never forgetting.

Travelling Light
(Billie would know what to do with this)
I’m travelling light
Since I’ve  left you behind
But I’m travelling blue
‘Cause I’m still in luv with you
Sometimes I travel pink
When I don’t need a thing
At times I travel green
‘Cause I feel life’s beam
Other times I travel yellow
For you to think I’m mellow
But mostly I travel grey
‘Cause you’re not
On my way.

Litmus test
Tango lesson, Ball Room at Café Amsterdam

"Have patience with each other!"...

"When the man crosses the line, the woman readjusts the couple and takes 
the lead"...

"The man needs to feel and control the woman's core, gentlemen. If you 
control your woman, then you have no problem..."

These are words one would expect to hear during a couples' therapy session. 
But do not be fooled! They are taken from the "Tango Lesson". No, not Sally 
Potter's lesson, but Alina and Catalin's, a woman and a man who exude 
beauty and well-being for three hours straight while they teach the moves 
and spirit of Argentinean tango. The tango re-teaches you how to walk, only 
this time it's about the "walk by a woman's side!", is what Catalin 

If you've never danced tango in your life, you might think it's just a 
dance. But the tango brings together a woman and a man not only as two 
bodies, but as two attitudes, where the two match or not without spoken 
words, and where distance is pure sensuality.

It is a game of pride where the woman trustingly leans over the man's chest 
and follows his steps. Docile but full of dignity, all at once. The tango 
reveals a couple's complete philosophy, including the hidden meanings it 
entails and the tricks that make it work; those who can detect it will 
enjoy a full spectacle while watching two people tango.

If you want to find out what hides inside a woman, if you want to be around 
her for more than just a simple distraction, invite her to tango. You can 
forget what she told you over coffee. The tango brings out the truth moreso 
than a good bottle of wine. And it reveals her colors more so than a litmus 

The tango might as well be the key to the chaos of today's relationships, 
but people stay away from it. It either seems old fashioned or it brings 
out insecurities. Men don't want to bother leading their women with force 
and tenderness, and the women move messily in all directions without even 
thinking to be led. In tango, the woman makes no mistakes. Faulty moves are 
>never her mistakes, but the man's... who couldn't properly lead!

So ladies, after many years of gender equality, don't you miss being led 
from time to time? And you, gentlemen, admit that it'll do you some good to 
tame the wonderful shrews who dance around you in brownian steps.
Remember, however, that in tango however, women can never be wrong in their movement. 

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